Staying active
at home

We’re here to help you remain active and maintain mobility and movement in your day-to-day life.

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The importance of movement…

As we get older, we may begin to notice we’re not as mobile as we once were and our joints and muscles may feel a little stiff.

Moving around regularly, even just a little, will help keep our joints flexible and our muscles strong. Any movement is good, particularly if it makes us feel a little bit warm and gets us breathing a little faster.

You don’t even need to be able to leave the house, as there are lots of opportunities to be active at home.

Super 6 exercises

These six simple strength and balance exercises can help you maintain independence and stay steady on your feet.

Make sure to complete them at least three times a week to gain the benefits.

Self-help video guides

Keeping Well at Home 

This 12 minute instructional video brings a strength and balance class directly into your living room! Follow the exercises as demonstrated by some of our real class participants. 

Strength and Balance Renewed 

Watch this short video for suggestions on how to build strength and balance exercises into your everyday life, with demonstrations of how to perform each exercise.

What to do if you have had a fall? 

Regular movement combined with strength and balance exercises will help you retain mobility and independence. However, it is good to know what to do in the event of having a fall. 

Pedal loan scheme

Our portable pedals are a great way to get moving at home. They can be used with your feet or your hands and the resistance can be adjusted to your ability level. At the end of the 12-week loan period you’ll have the option to purchase the pedals at a discounted rate. Interested? Please complete our online self-referral form below, or give us a call.

Exercise programme in your home

At Be Well, we offer strength and balance group exercise classes at leisure centres and community venues across the borough. We also offer home assessments for residents who are unable to attend these sessions due to health conditions or confidence issues. 

We’ll provide you with a personalised programme of exercises to complete in your own time, and support you to improve your mobility, confidence, strength and balance so you can access other suitable activities when you’re ready.  

We’ll pay you a number of visits over the course of your programme to support your progress and keep you on track.

If you would like to find out more, or if you know of a friend or relative you think would benefit, please get in touch by completing the self-referral form below or by giving us a call.

Self-referral form

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

If you are under 18, please complete the following fields:

What support are you interested in?

Weight management
Stop smoking
Physical Activity
Are you a current member of a Be Well Leisure Centre?
Are you currently pregnant?
Have you given birth in the last 6 weeks?
Do you consider yourself to have a disability or learning disability?
Are you currently taking any medications?
Have you been diagnosed with any medical conditions we need to be aware of?
Tick box

Are you a GP or healthcare professional?

If you are dealing with somebody who may benefit from our services, you can make a professional referral on their behalf. All you need to do is complete our online referral form and a member of our team will be in contact with your patient or client.