Make a referral
to Be Well

If you’re a GP or professional dealing with somebody who may benefit from our support, please get in touch.

Be Well Employee talking to a woman

Supporting healthier, happier communities

At Be Well, we provide a wide range of health and wellbeing support services for the people of Wigan Borough.

Our friendly, expert teams of health advisors, community link workers and specialist wellbeing instructors are here to help and advise with a variety of issues – including:

  • Healthy weight and nutrition
  • Stop smoking
  • Becoming more active
  • Mobility
  • Long-term health conditions
  • Social issues (including isolation, bereavement, financial problems, employment or housing concerns)

Please complete the form below and a member of our team will be in touch.

Refer a patient

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Referrer details

About your client

Client Address

If the client is under 18, please complete the following fields:

What support would your client like to access?
Is the client currently pregnant?
Does the client have any disabilities that we need to be aware of? (including learning disabilities)
Is the client currently taking any medications?
Has the client been diagnosed with any medical conditions we need to be aware of or medical history relevant to the referral?
Tick box