Marie’s story
How I quit smoking after 45 years…

Marie had been a ‘heavy smoker’ since school – but, when a trip to the doctor brought to light serious health issues, she knew enough was enough.

With the help of our Be Well health advisors, she’s now given up cigarettes and is enjoying a smoke-free lifestyle. This is her story…

I remember the first time I tried a cigarette; I was around 14 years old, and I used to hang around with a group of girls who were very popular and smokers.

At lunch time we’d all go to round the back of the school to what was known as the ‘smokers’ corner’. I actually didn’t smoke at first, but I’d go with them. Then one day they handed me a cigarette and said ‘here, have a go’ … so I did. I thought if they’re all doing it, I’ll just have a few little puffs, and that’s where it all started.

I even remember doing odd jobs for my friend’s mum, like washing up and things like that, and in return she would ‘pay’ me in cigarettes. Even when I left school I carried on smoking – and altogether it’s been about 45 years.

Since turning 50, it’s been one thing after another with my health. I was getting really bad coughs in a morning when I woke up, and I was coughing that much I couldn’t even smoke a full cigarette. I noticed I was also beginning to get breathless.

I’m 60 now and, recently, I found out I had emphysema, and it was at that point that I told the doctors that I wanted to pack in smoking; mainly for my health, but also for my family and friends as well. They’ve encouraged me to quit in the past, especially my daughter.

Health advisor Karen

So a nurse put me in touch with the lovely Karen from the Be Well stop smoking team.

We had a chat, and it was then that I decided that, after I’d smoked the last of my tobacco left in the house, I would quit for good.

I’ll be honest; it took a little while to get my head around even coming to that decision. The thought was daunting as it’s not just about the nicotine, it’s also your habits as well and letting go of what you’re used to.

In my case it was getting up in a morning, making a brew and standing at the back door to have a cigarette. But I did eventually do it!

Karen went through the nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) options available to me – including patches, sprays and gums. In the end, I chose the ‘swap to stop’ option of a vape. (Editor’s note: Vaping is only recommended for adult smokers, to support quitting smoking and staying quit. Non-smokers and young people under 18 should NOT take up vaping.)

I needed to set a quit date when I would stop smoking cigarettes and swap over to the vape, and that’s been such a big help. I’ve done nine weeks now without a cigarette!

Since I’ve stopped smoking, I’ve noticed I’m not getting out of breath, I no longer need to use my inhaler anymore and my skin and hair feel so much better.

I was surprised at how much support was available, and Karen has been absolutely amazing. We’ve had our regular contact, she’s helped me along the way, and I’ve actually enjoyed seeing her and being able to chat to her and tell her how things are going.

On one of my first meetings with Karen, she took my carbon monoxide reading which gave me a score of 19 – which is very high and at the time it scared me. So I was amazed when, after just four weeks, she took another reading and it had come all the way down to a two.

My advice to others who are thinking about quitting is that if I can do it, as someone who smoked for 45 years, then you can too!

For me, the thought of not smoking was more daunting than the reality. I took it day-by-day and, before I knew it, the days were turning into weeks, then into months.

Another piece of advice I’d give is take all the support that’s available to you!

If you have tried to quit in the past, don’t be disheartened that it didn’t work. Life gets in the way, people have lots of things going on in their lives. When you’re ready to, give it a go and try again!

If you’re thinking of quitting smoking, the Be Well Stop Smoking Service is here to help with a range of practical and convenient support options to fit your lifestyle! Get in touch by giving us a call or completing our online self-referral form below.


Self-referral Form

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